Open & accessible knowledge

I believe that education and scientific communication should provide people with knowledge and context, in addition to tools they can apply when encountering new information. Learning should be accessible, inclusive, and engaging, tailored to learners’ needs and preexisting knowledge. People learn best when they are engaged, when the materials are relevant to their backgrounds and goals, and when they have agency in the learning process.

Open science tools & practices

Tutorials and educational materials covering verion control, reproducible data visualization, and practical steps to making research workflows more "open".

Neuroimaging meta-analysis

Educational presentations on dataset curation for neuroimaging meta-analysis.

Methods for studying brain connectomics

Workshops, tutorials, and presentations on different topics in (functional) connectomics; from graph theory to Pythonic data analysis pipelines.

Community outreach in neuroscience

Over the years, I have given talks to all ages on various neuroscience topics and even collaborated with the Frost Science Museum in Miami, FL to create a neuroscience exhibit.

This page is a work in progress, more details are coming soon.